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Version: v2.0

DEB package

To install the .deb packages for FerretDB on your Debian, Ubuntu, and other .deb-based systems, you can use dpkg tool.

Download the FerretDB .deb package from our release pages, rename it to ferretdb.deb, then run the following command in your terminal:

sudo dpkg -i ferretdb.deb

You can check that FerretDB was installed by running

ferretdb --version

The .deb package ships with the systemd unit for starting FerretDB automatically. For more information about its configuration, please take a look at systemd configuration guide.

FerretDB does not automatically install PostgreSQL and DocumentDB extension, see DocumentDB extension DEB package installation guide.


Ensure to enable telemetry to receive notifications on the latest versions. For more information on the best DocumentDB version to use, see the corresponding release notes for the FerretDB package.

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